California Frontier

Thank You!

Damian Bacich

A quick message of thanks at the end of 2024 from the California Frontier Project.

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Hello, everyone. I wanted to send a quick message here during this holiday season. I know that a lot of us are celebrating the Christmas time. And in the next few days, it will be new years. And so I wanted to personally thank all of you for having listened, to told your friends about, and just generally supported the California frontier project. I have really enjoyed making these podcast episodes on a regular basis, both the solo episodes and the interviews. Of course, I especially enjoy the interviews. And. The comments and questions that you send in as a result of listening to those episodes. I actually hope that I can begin sharing some of those comments and questions with all of the listeners. Because they really enrich my experience of doing this podcast and open my mind to different ways. Of seeing the issues and the stories. Related to the history of California and the greater Southwest. And I think they would enrich other people as well. Now, one thing I wanted to mention along those lines is the fact that thanks to you. We recently achieved 25,000 downloads total for this podcast, which as far as I'm concerned is pretty amazing. When I started it, I really didn't think of it as, as something that would be. So popular and listened to, but it really has, started to, to have an impact of course, 25,000 downloads. Is not anywhere close to what some of the major podcasts out there hit. But when you think about 25,000 people, all sitting in a stadium, let's say that's a lot. And so I just. Want to recognize your, your hand in making this possible. And also want to recognize that there's clearly an interest out there for topics like these. That take a deep dive into our shared history of California and the west. And it's ties to the whole hemisphere to Europe, to the far east and so on. So I'm looking forward to having more. Interesting fascinating guests in the new year. We've already got some, uh, podcasts recorded for the new year. And I'm interested in sharing more topics, more stories with you. And I hope you are looking forward to hearing them. Now, please keep your comments and questions coming. Please share with other people, the podcast. And, uh, the website and all the things associated with the California frontier project. And I will do my best. To keep this content coming to your regularly. Into the new year of 2025. So once again, wishing you all the best for the holidays, wishing you a very happy new year. And a happy Christmas time and we'll see you once again. In early 20, 25. Take care.

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